
Tasks That Social Security Services Undertake


When it comes to security of ourselves and our family, we tend to leave no stone unturned to ensure we are safe and well protected. Usually, when you express your concern for security, most people will recommend a social security service. What exactly do these social security services do? What tasks do they undertake? Read on to know

Social security renders lots of services. These depend on which firm you choose. In this regard, Perceptage Security Company specializes in providing Threat Assessment and Site Security Assessments, Lockdown Training, International Close Protection Services, Government Grant applications, Loss Prevention, Private Investigations etc. 

Let us talk about a few services in brief:

1] Threat Assessment and Site Security Assessments

Social security performs a comprehensive assessment of a site. They provide report emphasizing the infrastructure, vulnerable spots etc. They debrief and come up with strategies of implementing security at the particular place.  They offer large teams, high risk event planning, and large-scale preparedness. They access every potential threat and keep strategies ready to deal with them.

2] Lockdown Training / Security Training

Social security services also train youngsters who are willing to participate in social security. The training sessions are tailored according to the group size, age, participants etc. They provide holistic information and teach techniques to minimize the anxiety to deal with lockdown scenarios. 

3] International Close Protection Services

Social security services incorporate officers equipped with skillset and methodologies to cater to the safety needs of Leaders. They are autonomous and through lengthy training are taught to combat profiles (reading of their environments and people’s behaviours), employ various surveillance & counter-surveillance methods, and use tactical driving. 

3] Crisis Management

One can never predict a crisis. Social services provide experts trained to deal with any crisis. They can tackle anything ranging from bad weather to terrorist attacks. 

4] Patrolling Services

Some agencies provide patrolling services, where individual professionals work in shifts to protect and provide security in a large area. 

5] Private Investigations

Social security even provides private investigators that are well-trained in their field. They can work undercover, gather evidence, verify, and work in your favour. 

Social security services can be availed by businesses, leaders, law enforcements, important individuals or literally anyone who feels threatened. Various agencies offer different services, with one common goal of keeping you secure. Most make use of advanced tools and technology with highly efficient workforce.  

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